finite measure space in a sentence
- The ?-finite measure spaces have some very convenient properties; ?-finiteness can be compared in this respect to the Lindel鰂 property of topological spaces.
- Egorov's theorem guarantees that on a finite measure space, a sequence of functions that converges almost everywhere also converges almost uniformly on the same set.
- The space of measurable functions on a \ sigma-finite measure space ( X, \ mu ) is the canonical example of a commutative von Neumann algebra.
- For the duality between ?-finite measure spaces and commutative von Neumann algebras, noncommutative von Neumann algebras are called " non-commutative measure spaces ".
- Maybe an easier example of a non-sigma finite measure space would be an uncountable set given the counting measure ( the measure of a subset here is simply its talk ) 09 : 00, 10 December 2008 ( UTC)
- It's difficult to find finite measure space in a sentence.
- Let ( T, \ mathcal { T }, \ mu ) be a finite measure space and suppose that, for each s \ in S, f ( s; t ) is a bounded and measurable function of t \ in T.