etymology of english in a sentence

  1. "' Mark Forsyth "'( born 2 April 1977 ) is a writer whose work concerns the meaning and etymology of English words.
  2. The historian and linguist Douglas Harper gives an etymology of English " cannabis " from Greek " kannabis ", from a Scythian or Thracian word, which is also the source for English " canvas " ( viz ., hempen fabric ) and possibly " hemp ".
  3. From reading etymologies of English place-names, many of which contain an abbreviated Old English personal name, a hypothesis occurs to me ( as it must have occurred to others ) that maybe the breed was named for a breeder called " Docga "; though I haven't come across such a name, it fits the style  燼s far as I can tell.
  4. It's difficult to find etymology of english in a sentence.


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