entaku in a sentence
- After he got hospitalized, he decided that Matsukaze Tenma should become captain for Raimon . In the Chrono Stone series, he became a defensive midfielder for Raimon, Entaku no Kishi, El Dorado Team 02, also being captain for the team, and for Chrono Storm.
- He is a midfielder and he later became the captain for Raimon when Shindou Takuto got hospitalized . In the Chrono Stone series, he became a midfielder and captain for Tenmas, Raimon, Entaku no Kishi, El Dorado Team 03, Chrono Storm and Shinsei Inazuma Japan ( alternate timeline ) . In the Galaxy series, he was chosen to be a midfielder and captain for Japan's team, Inazuma Japan.
- It's difficult to find entaku in a sentence.