daily dealing in a sentence

"daily dealing" in Chinese  
  1. Also, relatives are often more efficient in their daily dealings.
  2. Respondents reported spending 14 minutes daily dealing with computer problems.
  3. At present he feels powerless in his daily dealings with and efforts to change them.
  4. Amid the daily dealings of Hollywood, the film and the star have been fodder for unfavorable gossip.
  5. In his daily dealings with civilian authorities, Mansuy runs against reluctance on issues that should be very simple.
  6. It's difficult to find daily dealing in a sentence.
  7. It is too soon to say how much the new genetic markers will effect oncologists'daily dealings with patients.
  8. In intimate daily dealings with Palestinians, soldiers often show restraint and common sense, but sometimes harass and humiliate civilians.
  9. The boss conducts his daily dealings behind an old pharmacist's counter, seated in a corduroy-upholstered dentist's chair.
  10. Also in terms of daily dealings with him, remember that people tend to have more trust in those whom they perceive to be like themselves.
  11. The policeman, who worked in the city, was believed to have daily dealings with the public and routinely carried a revolver in the course of his duty.
  12. As press secretary, with a salary of $ 77, 000, Ms . Roche will be responsible for daily dealings with the press, answering to Ms . Lategano.
  13. Tajol Rosli said the project would modernise and simplify its daily dealings with the public and make it easier for other government departments and agencies to gain access to the files.
  14. JAKARTA ( JP ) : Good pay, daily dealings with the beautiful people and inclusion in the trendy loop is the commonly held perception of the lives of those in advertising.
  15. Rogers original " A Short Account " was focused purely on her daily dealings with God and she barely mentioned her marriage, children, or leadership of Methodist groups.
  16. The panel on administration of justice and legal services was told of a surge in demand for advice on Chinese law after a massive increase in daily dealings with the mainland since the handover.
  17. More:   1  2


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  10. daily democrat in a sentence
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