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- The couple has an obese son, Tyrell ( Coronji Calhoun ), whom Leticia beats for hiding and eating candy bars.
- In addition to the explosive sex scene, there's a disturbing moment when Leticia brutally unleashes her frustrations on her obese young son, played by newcomer Coronji Calhoun.
- The stars get excellent support from Peter Boyle, Heath Ledger, newcomer Coronji Calhoun and Sean Combs ( yes, that Sean Combs ) . ( ERG ) 1 hour, 48 minutes.
- She loves her son, Tyrell ( well played by 10-year-old Coronji Calhoun in his first film role ), but he is also the target of her anger and shame.
- Now in limited release, the film centers on Leticia, a young woman raising a chubby, teen-age son ( Coronji Calhoun ) and awaiting the execution of her husband ( Sean " Puffy"
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- Actualmente en exhibicion limitada, el filme se centra en Leticia, una joven mujer que cria a un hijo adolescente rechoncho ( Coronji Calhoun ) y espera la ejecucion de su esposo ( Sean " Puffy"
- Meanwhile, Musgrove's widow, Leticia ( Berry ), is left alone to raise the couple's obese son, Tyrell ( Coronji Calhoun ), whom she abuses in a drunken rage for sneaking candy bars.
- During the years of Lawrence's imprisonment, his wife, Leticia ( Halle Berry ), has been struggling while raising their son, Tyrell ( Coronji Calhoun ), who has inherited his father's artistic talent.
- WITH : Billy Bob Thornton ( Hank Grotowski ), Halle Berry ( Leticia Musgrove ), Heath Ledger ( Sonny Grotowski ), Peter Boyle ( Buck Grotowski ), Sean Combs ( Lawrence Musgrove ), Mos Def ( Ryrus Cooper ) and Coronji Calhoun ( Tyrell Musgrove ).
- The steamy, complex relationship between Hank Grotowski ( Billy Bob Thornton ), a Georgia corrections officer, and Leticia Musgrove ( Halle Berry ), a waitress with a 12-year-old son ( Coronji Calhoun ) to support, is born of chance, moral reflex and desperate need.
- She lives in a kind of limbo-- loyal to her husband, working dead-end, easily lost jobs-- in a small, Georgia prison town with her overweight son ( newcomer Coronji Calhoun ) until the switch is thrown by the semi-racist, widowed head of the penitentiary's execution team, Hank ( Billy Bob Thornton ).