chronicle of alfonso iii in a sentence
- There are two variants of the " Chronicle of Alfonso III ".
- Thus, according to the Chronicle of Alfonso III, Toledo was ruled by the Asturian kings.
- The Chronicle of Alfonso III does not mention any buildings created by Alfonso III, neither does the Chronicle of Albelda.
- The chronicle of Alfonso III speaks of a " compulsory marriage ", the failure of which compelled Pelayo into rebellion.
- The " Chronicle of Alfonso III " records that Musa directed his forces against the " Franks and Gauls ", killing many and razing many places.
- It's difficult to find chronicle of alfonso iii in a sentence.
- The first recorded appearance of the toponym of Karrantza is on the Chronicle of Alfonso III, dated in the 10th Century, where it appears as " Carrantia ".
- The " Chronicle of Alfonso III " relates how, in an unspecified year, Ordo駉 marched against the Musa while the latter was constructing a massive fortification at Albelda.
- Sometime during the joint reign of Ergica and Wittiza, a regnum Suevorum ", an event recorded by the " Chronicle of Alfonso III " and often dismissed by scholars as nonsense,
- According to the Chronicle of Alfonso III, Musa ibn Musa of the Banu Qasi had, partly by war and partly by strategy, made himself master of Zaragoza, Tudela, Huesca, and Toledo.
- According to the " Chronicle of Alfonso III " written in the late ninth century, he was a son of Wittiza, though based on Wittiza's approximate birth date, this is impossible.
- Bermudo abdicated his throne after his defeat, though whether volitionally ( as the " Chronicle of Alfonso III " states, " because he was [ or remembered he was ] a deacon " ) or forced is unknown.
- According to the 9th-century " Chronicle of Alfonso III ", Erwig was the son of Ardabast, who had journeyed from the Byzantine Empire to Hispania during the time of Chindasuinth, and married Chindasuinth's niece Goda.
- The first records about the valley of Karrantza are from the 8th Century, when the Alfonso I was conducting a series of resettlements on the Atlantic region of the Iberian Peninsula, as they were mentioned in the Chronicle of Alfonso III one century later.
- Sampiro's chronicle was composed as a continuation of the " Chronicle of Alfonso III " and as such relates events between the years 866 and 982, when it abruptly stops, though it was evidently written in the early eleventh century.
- This done he marched to the other side of the river Ebro and, " with the help of God " according to the " Chronicle of Alfonso III ", forced the " Chaldaeans " ( an artful expression for the Muslims ) to flee.
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