certain accursed ones of no significance in a sentence
- Ta _ K鰌r?Zade relates how'Certain accursed ones of no significance'were burnt to death by Mahmut Pa _ a who accidentally set fire to his beard in the process.
- "Certain accursed ones of no significance " is the term used by Ta _ K鰌r?Zade in the " ^ akaiki Numaniye " to describe some members of the Hurufiyya who became intimate with the Sultan Mehmed II to the extent of initiating him as a follower.
- According to Bektashi tradition, Ali ul ?Ali " ( ?Ali ul-耹?), " who had introduced Hurufi beliefs and literature as if this was the secret message of Hajji Bektash into Bektashiyyah tariqat, was one of the " " Certain accursed ones of no significance " " and the groom of Fa | lu l-Lh Astar-bd + " ( Nim + ) ".
- It's difficult to find certain accursed ones of no significance in a sentence.