applied imagination in a sentence
- Brainstorming ( Osborn, A . ( 1966 ) Applied Imagination ) and Mind Mapping ( Buzan, Tony.
- Through his company, Applied Imagination, he installs his miniature shows at garden and train fairs across the country.
- Sidney Parnes, PhD, a psychologist who worked with Alex Osborn and designed methods for teaching CPS . Alex Osborn's landmark book published Applied Imagination.
- Paul Busse, founder of Applied Imagination in Kentucky, and his team fashion skyscrapers, churches, theaters, and historic sites using only plant parts and natural materials.
- The hills, which occasionally rise to above head height, are new, too, said this tiny world's creator, Paul Busse of Applied Imagination, a design company in Cincinnati.
- It's difficult to find applied imagination in a sentence.
- For the 11th consecutive year, Paul G . Busse of Applied Imagination shapes the buildings from twigs, berries, vines, mushrooms, and other natural materials he primarily scavenges near his Kentucky home.
- The Bronx display was designed by Paul G . Busse, a landscaper and architect from Cincinnati, whose company, Applied Imaginations, is one of the country's premier designers of garden railway displays.
- "It's a hobby that involves some gardening, some construction, some model making, " said Paul Busse of Applied Imagination, a landscape architecture firm in Cincinnati specializing in garden railroads.
- There are achingly nostalgic town houses from Gotham's legendary past _ all made from plant materials by Paul Gusse, a landscape architect and designer, and his team of artists from Applied Imagination of Alexandria, Ky.