analeptics in a sentence

"analeptics" meaning  "analeptics" in Chinese  
  1. Theophylline is no longer used as a respiratory analeptic in newborn infants.
  2. Tacrine was also described as an analeptic agent used to promote mental alertness.
  3. The third common mechanism which analeptics take advantage of is to act as serotonin receptor agonists.
  4. Analeptics can be used to increase the speed of recovery from propofol, remifentanil, and sevoflurane.
  5. One of the first widely used analeptics was strychnine, which causes CNS excitation by antagonizing the inhibitory neurotransmitter glycine.
  6. It's difficult to find analeptics in a sentence.
  7. This soup was a part of the royal court cuisine of Ryukyu Kingdom; it is thought to have analeptic properties.
  8. The three most prevalent clinical analeptic uses of caffeine are in the treatment of asthma, apnea of prematurity, and bronchopulmonary dysplasia in newborn infants.
  9. His work at NASA led him to write " Effects of some tranquilizing, analeptic and vasodilating drugs on physical work capacity and orthostatic tolerance"
  10. In clinical settings, analeptics such as Doxapram have been used to help patients recover from anesthesia better, as well as removing some of the potential negative side effects of potent anesthetics.
  11. Graves derived some of his ideas from poetic inspiration and a process of " analeptic thought ", which is a term he used for throwing one's mind back in time and receiving impressions.
  12. Buspirone and Mosapride successfully increased respiration in animals by binding to serotonin receptors which are G protein coupled receptors which, upon activation, induce a secondary messenger cascade and in this case that cascade leads to an analeptic response.
  13. He wrote a poem ` On the Circuit,'about flying, and as the plane neared its destination, as the plane began to sink, he wondered if he should reach into his bag for an ` analeptic swig .'Now, there, he combined a Greek word that means ` restorative'with the word swig, which is jargon ."
  14. Just like their previous opus, the band included three electronic tracks : " Anal閜tica Anergia Siderobl醩tica-GHB Fx " ( " Analeptic Sideroblastic Anergy-GHB Fx " ), " Apraxia Digital Com Cyber Leucorreia Hi-Tech " ( " Digital Apraxy With Hi-Tech Cyber Leukhorrhea " ) and " Neuro Discrasia Sin醦tica-Interfer阯cias no N鷆leo Tegmental Pedunculopontino " ( " Synaptic Neuro Discrasy-Pedunculpontine Tegmental Nucleus Interferences " ).
  15. The foreshadowing may be distinguished between, " advance notice " : for example, "'Had I but known then what I know now, I would never have set foot on Baron von Rotschnitzel's private yacht .'" or the more subtle, " advance mention " : " a'simple marker without anticipation'intended to acquire significance later in the narrative, through analeptic recovery ( 75 ) .'[ in other words : ] . . . clues"


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