advocate the policy of in a sentence

"advocate the policy of" in Chinese  
  1. After 1920 she advocated the policies of the National Woman's Party.
  2. During his term as mayor he advocated the policy of uniforming the police force.
  3. The expert community is divided between those who advocate the policy of minimizing harm from drug use and those who believe that banning access to drugs altogether will solve the problem,
  4. In the face of Li Zicheng's rebel forces and the Qing armies, Shi Kefa advocated the policy of allying with Qing to eliminate the rebels first, then drive the Qing forces back north.
  5. From May 1942, the PCL advocated the policy of the popular front against the fascists, but also continued to have other political goals in mind, and saw the social democrats as a political rival.
  6. It's difficult to find advocate the policy of in a sentence.
  7. On the latter point, he argued that Darwinism advocated the policy of " scientific breeding " or eugenics, by which the strong were to weed out the weak, a policy that directly contradicts the Christian doctrine of charity to the helpless.
  8. He advocated the policy of " using barbarians to attack barbarians, " that is, incorporating surrendered Xiongnu horsemen into the Han military, a suggestion that was eventually adopted, especially with the establishment of dependent states of different nomads living on Han's frontiers.
  9. On the one hand there were those who advocated the policy of " boring from within " the already-existing unions, attempting to win their memberships over to the idea of socialist reorganization of society through the force of propaganda and practical example.
  10. Neoliberals rejected Keynesian economics that they claimed advocate too much emphasis on relieving unemployment in response to their observance of the Great Depression, the neoliberals identified the real problem as being with inflation and advocate the policy of monetarism to deal with inflation.
  11. The liberal unionist group, the New Ulster Movement, which had advocated the policies of Terence O'Neill, left and formed the Alliance Party of Northern Ireland in April 1970, while the emergence of Ian Paisley's Protestant Unionist Party continued to draw off some working-class and more Ulster loyalist support.


  1. advocate quality-oriented education in a sentence
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  7. advocate weekly newspapers in a sentence
  8. advocated in a sentence
  9. advocaten zonder grenzen in a sentence
  10. advocaters in a sentence
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