admission act in a sentence

  1. Admission acts also encouraged more Sri Lankans to migrate to Italy.
  2. Admission acts also encouraged more Sinhalese to migrate to Italy.
  3. In 1959, the U . S . Congress approved the statehood bill, the Hawaii Admission Act.
  4. President Dwight D . Eisenhower signed the Hawaii Admission Act on March 18, 1959 which allowed for Hawaiian statehood.
  5. When the Hawaii Admission Act made Hawaii a U . S . state, the lands were transferred to the state.
  6. It's difficult to find admission act in a sentence.
  7. In March 1959, Congress passed the Hawaii Admission Act, which U . S . President Dwight D . Eisenhower signed into law.
  8. In March 1959, both houses of Congress passed the Hawaii Admission Act and U . S . President Dwight D . Eisenhower signed it into law.
  9. On Friday 150 years ago President James K . Polk signed the Texas Admissions Act, transforming the infant Republic of Texas into the 28th state in the union.
  10. It shall be subject to alienation and other uses as may be provided by law . " In 1959, Hawaii was admitted as a state by the Hawaii Admission Act.
  11. Modifications to the territorial seal included the use of the words " Admission Act in 1959, admitted Hawaii as the 50th State of the United States of America on August 21, 1959.
  12. The photo of Kahapea was taken on March 12, 1959, shortly after U . S . President Dwight Eisenhower signed the Hawaii Admission Act, admitting Hawaii as the 50th U . S . state.
  13. In an interview at the hearing for S . 132, the New Columbia Admission Act, Smith told an interviewer at The Atlantic that  as Americans, under no conditions should issues of political convenience or expedience dictate fundamental rights.
  14. Commencing in 1946, Taylor travelled to Hawaii, conducted hearings, and briefed President Harry S . Truman and Secretary of the Interior Harold L . Ickes on matters pertaining to legislation generally known as the Hawaii Admission Act, which, however, did not become law until 1959.
  15. On May 8, 2006, the Solicitor General filed a brief for the United States in opposition to the cross petition, arguing that the Plaintiffs lack standing to sue because the U . S . " does not require the State of Hawaii to impose taxes to support those undertakings . " As to Plaintiffs'trust beneficiary claims, the Solicitor-General argues that the HHCA and Admission Act " extinguished any trustee role that the United States might once have had ."


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