many meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "many" in a sentence
马尼 (摩泽尔省)


More:   Next
  1. Et dites-moi. "Eleven done one too many." ça veut dire quoi ?
    我不知道是谁救了我 我要谢谢你们
  2. Voici notre nouvel avocat pour la sécurité, Many Riskin.
    现在有请我们新任的律师 曼尼·瑞斯金
  3. The authorities have given proof of great flexibility in many respects.
  4. However, in many areas, there was evident lack of basic services.
  5. Tu as aussi inventé l'histoire des Rom ?

Related Words


  1. manwë in Chinese
  2. manx in Chinese
  3. manx (chat) in Chinese
  4. manx2 in Chinese
  5. manxois in Chinese
  6. many (louisiane) in Chinese
  7. many happy returns (sherlock) in Chinese
  8. manyara (région) in Chinese
  9. manytch in Chinese
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