zincography meaning

Pronunciation:   "zincography" in a sentence
/-kogˈrə-fi/ noun
1. An engraving process in which zinc is covered with wax and etched
2. Any process in which designs for printing are made on zinc plates


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  1. He lived there during the Soviet occupation and worked in Zincography.
  2. From the mid-1870s Busch's illustrations were printed using zincography.
  3. The prevalence of the new zincography printing process rendered xylography nearly obsolete as a profession.
  4. "' Zincography "'was a planographic printing process that used zinc plates.
  5. In the years 1921-1924 and 1935-1939, the printing house developed new areas of competence, such as offset printing, zincography, rotogravure, and became self-sufficient in equipment repair.

Related Words

        zincoid:     adjective  Like zinc
        zincographical:     and zincographˈical adjective
        zincolysis:     noun (obsolete)  Electrolys ...
        zincographic:     and zincographˈical adjective
        zincous:     adjective  Relating to or l ...
        zincographer:     /-kogˈrə-fər/ noun
        zincteral:    [Medicine]A compound given in the trea ...
        zincograph:     noun  A plate or picture pr ...
        zincy:    , zinckˈy or zinkˈy adjective &nb ...
        zincode:     noun (obsolete)  An anode


  1. zincode meaning
  2. zincograph meaning
  3. zincographer meaning
  4. zincographic meaning
  5. zincographical meaning
  6. zincoid meaning
  7. zincolysis meaning
  8. zincous meaning
  9. zincteral meaning
  10. zincy meaning
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