umpty-umpth meaning

[American slang]
mod. thousandth, billionth, zillionth, etc. (Represents some very large, but indefinite number.)
• This is the umptyumpth time I've told you to keep your dog out of my yard.
• This is the umpteenth meeting of the joint conference committee, but still there is no budget.

Related Words

        iddy-umpty:     /idˈi-umpˈti or -umˈti/ (milit sl)&nb ...
        umquhile:     or umwhile /umˈhwīl/ (archaic, chiefl ...
        umptieth:    Adjective: umptiethLast in an indefini ...
        umra:     or umrah /ŭmˈrə/   noun&nbs ...
        umpteenth:    Adjective: umpteenth  'úmp't ...
        umt:    [Defence]unit ministry team
        umpteen:    Adjective: umpteen  'úmp'tee ...
        umteen:    Adjective: umteen  'úm'teenU ...
        umpr:    [Defence]unit manpower personnel recor ...
        umteenth:    Adjective: umteenth  'úm'tee ...
        umpireship:     or umˈpireship noun


  1. umpireship meaning
  2. umpr meaning
  3. umpteen meaning
  4. umpteenth meaning
  5. umptieth meaning
  6. umquhile meaning
  7. umra meaning
  8. umt meaning
  9. umteen meaning
  10. umteenth meaning
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