thesmophoria meaning

  "thesmophoria" in a sentence
/thes-mə-föˈri-ə or -fōˈri-ə/
  plural noun
  In ancient Greece, a married women's festival in honour of Demeter Thesmophoros (lawgiving)
  ORIGIN: Gr thesmophoria


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  1. Her Thesmophoria festival ( 11 13 October ) was women-only.
  2. The sacred rites of the Thesmophoria centered primarily around the cycling of the seasons.
  3. The cults of Persephone and Demeter in the Eleusinian mysteries and in the Thesmophoria were based on very old agrarian cults.
  4. "' Thesmophoria "'was a Greek cities, in honor of the goddesses Demeter and her daughter Persephone.
  5. The Thesmophoria were the most widespread festivals and the main expression of the cult of Demeter, aside from the Eleusinian Mysteries.

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  2. theses [publication type] meaning
  3. theseus meaning
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  6. thesmothete meaning
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  9. thespesia populnea meaning
  10. thespian meaning
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