tame meaning
[ teim ] Pronunciation: "tame" in a sentence
Verb: tame teym
- Correct by punishment or discipline
- chasten, subdue - Make less strong or intense; soften
"The author finally tamed some of his potentially offensive statements"
- tone down, moderate - Adapt (a wild plant or unclaimed land) to the environment
"tame the soil"
- domesticate, cultivate, naturalize, naturalise [Brit] - Overcome the wildness of; make docile and tractable
"He tames lions for the circus"
- domesticate, domesticize, domesticise [Brit], reclaim - Make fit for cultivation, domestic life, and service to humans
"The wolf was tamed and evolved into the house dog"
- domesticate
- Flat and uninspiring
- Very restrained or quiet
"a tame Christmas party"; "she was one of the tamest and most abject creatures imaginable with no will or power to act but as directed" - Brought from wildness into a domesticated state
"tame animals"; "fields of tame blueberries"
- tamed - Very docile
"tame obedience"
- meek
Derived forms: tamed, tamer, tames, tamest, taming
See also: broken, broken in, cultivated, docile, domestic, domesticated, domestication, gentle, manipulable, quiet, subdued, tameable, tamed, tamely, tameness, tamer, tractable, unexciting
Type of: accommodate, adapt, alter, change, modify
Antonym: wild
Encyclopedia: Tame Tame, Arauca Tame, Colombia
Arginine derivative which is a substrate for many proteolytic enzymes. As a substrate for the esterase from the first component of complement,it inhibits the action of C(l) on C(4).
More: Next- like other tame cats, he had his claws.
- a boy was playing with a tame snake.
- fusion has not, so far, been tamed.
- it was eager to be tame and cultivated.
- i cannot bear them if they are tame and quiet.