=-shaped: suffixhaving a particular form: a U-sh ...s-shaped: Adjective: s-shapedShaped in the form ...shaped: Adjective: shaped sheyptSha ...acorn-shaped: Adjective: acorn-shapedShaped like an ...almond-shaped: Adjective: almond-shaped aa ...apple-shaped: Adjective: apple-shapedHaving the gene ...arrow-shaped: Adjective: arrow-shaped aro ...awl-shaped: Adjective: awl-shapedShaped like an aw ...bag-shaped: Adjective: bag-shapedShaped like a bag ...ball-shaped: Adjective: ball-shaped 'bol ...bar-shaped: Adjective: bar-shapedShaped like a rig ...barrel-shaped: Adjective: barrel-shapedHaving the gen ...basket-shaped: Adjective: basket-shapedShaped like a ...bean-shaped: Adjective: bean-shapedHaving a shape r ...bell-shaped: Adjective: bell-shaped bel ...