sustentive meaning
More: Next- The former maintains the preservative ( sustentive ) and participative ( generative ) capacity of a living organism.
- Saumarez also sees that the nature of this living power is both sustentive and generative, and has been spoken of throughout history in different ways, including most recently by Dr . John Brown.
- If some symptoms become worse some time after the similar medicine or there is even a return of old symptoms, essentially in chronic, complex cases, this Hahnemann identified as part of the healing process, which involves the counteraction of the sustentive power of the " Kraftwesen " against the medicine ( similar disease ) . [ Aph . 63-64]
- While medicine had historically recognized, even into Hahnemann's time, the law of similars ( similia similibus ), it was also wary of its use because of risk of harm with the improper dose, and had largely abandoned it in favor of the other approach set out by Hippocrates involving the law of opposites, that is, acting to support the " physis " or sustentive power.
- Brown s use in the original Latin of incitability ( rather than the more restricted term used in the English excitability ) contained the germ of a distinction between the sustentive ( Lebenskraft ) and generative ( Bildungstrieb ) powers, as Coleridge astutely noted : Brown has not proved that the Incitability itself cannot be altered not merely thro incitement but unmittlebar [ unmediated ] Says the Jena recensent, Feb . 1799, No . 48 ( Notebooks 1 : 38 ).