sustentacular cell meaning
n : a supporting epithelial cell (as a Sertoli cell or a cell of the olfactory epithelium) that lacks a specialized function (as nerve-impulse conduction)
n : a supporting epithelial cell (as a Sertoli cell or a cell of the olfactory epithelium) that lacks a specialized function (as nerve-impulse conduction)
More: Next- These cell balls are separated by fibrovascular stroma and surrounded by sustentacular cells.
- The olfactory epithelium consists of olfactory sensory cells, sustentacular cells and basal cells.
- FSH stimulates sustentacular cells to release androgen-binding protein, which promotes testosterone binding.
- The sustentacular cells are S-100 positive and focally positive for glial fibrillary acidic protein.
- Supporting cells, called sustentacular cells, provide metabolic and physical support to the receptors by insulating the cell and regulating the composition of the mucus.