strolling meaning

[ 'strəuliŋ ]   "strolling" in a sentence
noun and adjective


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  1. they were strolling up and down the veranda.
  2. he was strolling about there.
  3. she was strolling as though she had no particular objective.
  4. i looked down and saw atticus strolling around with his hands in his pockets.
  5. he was like a sceptical voyager strolling on the beach while he waited for the tide.

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        stroller:    Noun: stroller  strowlu(r)So ...
        stroma:    Noun: stroma (stromata)  str ...
        stroll through sth:    [American slang]to walk casually throu ...
        stromal:    , strōmatic /-matˈik/ or strōˈmatous a ...
        stroll on!:    An exclamation of surprise, disbelief ...
        stromal cell:    [Medicine]Connective tissue cells of a ...
        stroll garden:    [Architecture]A garden designed to be ...
        stromal cells:    [Medicine]Connective tissue cells of a ...
        stroll around:    [American slang]to walk around casuall ...


  1. stroll around meaning
  2. stroll garden meaning
  3. stroll on! meaning
  4. stroll through sth meaning
  5. stroller meaning
  6. strolling player meaning
  7. stroma meaning
  8. stromal meaning
  9. stromal cell meaning
  10. stromal cells meaning
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