stay bar meaning


Same as casement stay.

Related Words

        stay:    Verb: stay  steyStay the sam ...
        stay at:    Verb: stay atReside temporarily"I ...
        stay in:    stay in to remain at home, especially ...
        stay on:    Verb: stay onContinue in a place, posi ...
        stay with:    stay with to continue to use, do, have ...
        at the bar:    1. In court2. In practice as a barrist ...
        bar:    Noun: bar  baa(r)A room or e ...
        bar.:    abbrev  Baritone
        t-bar:    Noun: T-bar  tee baa(r)A sur ...
        automatic stay:    [Finance]The restricting of liabilityh ...
        back stay:    [Architecture]Same as brace, 1.
        casement stay:    [Architecture]In a casement window, a ...
        come to stay:    To become permanent
        diagonal stay:    [Mechanical engineering]A diagonal mem ...
        length of stay:    [Medicine]The period of confinement of ...


  1. stay at some place meaning
  2. stay at sth meaning
  3. stay away meaning
  4. stay away from meaning
  5. stay back meaning
  6. stay behind meaning
  7. stay behind force meaning
  8. stay behind so or sth meaning
  9. stay bolt meaning
  10. stay by so or sth meaning
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