statue maker meaning

  "statue maker" in a sentence
Noun: statue maker  'stachoo'meyku(r)
  1. An artist who creates sculptures
    - sculptor, sculpturer, carver

Derived forms: statue makers

Type of: artist, creative person


  1. The starting mechanism was designed by the statue maker Kleoitas and was later improved by Aristidis.
  2. The villain Zorawar ( Paresh Rawal ) runs a business smuggling arms and diamonds, under a cover of being a statue maker.
  3. ""'The Statue Makers of Hollywood " "'is the third and final album by the band The Alpha Band, released in 1978.
  4. When Jacob Franquart died in 1651, Duquesnoy succeeded to his position at the Brussels court as " architecte, statuaire et sculpteur de la Cour " ( Court architect, statue maker and sculptor ).
  5. When the Revue ended, Burnett and two other members of Dylan's band, David Mansfield and Steven Soles, formed The Alpha Band, which released three albums . " The Alpha Band " and " Spark in the Dark " were both released in 1977, while " The Statue Makers of Hollywood " was released in 1978.

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