sedately meaning

  "sedately" in a sentence
Adverb: sedately  si'deytlee
  1. In a sedate manner
    - calmly


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  1. your offer the countess began at last, sedately
  2. he added, more sedately, do you know one thing, captain-fogg
  3. sitting sedately on the bike looks safer and reduces unwanted attention . it also provides a built-in safety margin
  4. she was talking sedately with the chief clerk and seemed to be interested in that stout individual s conversation
  5. Azharuddin entered and played sedately scoring mainly with ones and twos.

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  1. sedalia meaning
  2. sedan meaning
  3. sedan chair meaning
  4. sedas meaning
  5. sedate meaning
  6. sedateness meaning
  7. sedation meaning
  8. sedative meaning
  9. sedative drug meaning
  10. sedative-hypnotic meaning
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