rutilant meaning

Pronunciation:   "rutilant" in a sentence
Adjective: rutilant
  1. Having a reddish glow; shining


  1. Jessica Prathoummachith, 12, Rockford, Ill . _ rutilant
  2. From the teen who wore rutilant clothes to a femme fatale, free in her personal life, who was exposed in a lot of tabloids.
  3. But an author with a fondness for words like rutilant, cunctatory and exundant, and with a tendency to sound more like a perfunctory chronicler than a muckophile, is apt to lack the bare-knuckles brutality that the genre increasingly demands.
  4. But, like most people who tackle Garland, he grows a little weak in the knees in describing her talent : " Her pipes, as Variety called them, had ripened into the rutilant maturity of midsummer . . ."

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  1. ruthfulness meaning
  2. ruthian meaning
  3. ruthless meaning
  4. ruthlessly meaning
  5. ruthlessness meaning
  6. rutilated meaning
  7. rutile meaning
  8. rutilus meaning
  9. rutilus rutilus meaning
  10. rutin meaning
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