regulation meaning

[ regju'leiʃən ] Pronunciation:   "regulation" in a sentence
Noun: regulation  `regyu'leyshun
  1. An authoritative rule
    - ordinance 
  2. A principle or condition that customarily governs behaviour
    "short haircuts were the regulation"
    - rule 
  3. The state of being controlled or governed 
  4. (embryology) the ability of an early embryo to continue normal development after its structure has been somehow damaged or altered 
  5. The act of bringing to uniformity; making regular
    - regularization, regularisation [Brit] 
  6. The act of controlling or directing according to rule
    "fiscal regulations are in the hands of politicians"
    - regulating
Adjective: regulation  `regyu'leyshun
  1. Prescribed by or according to regulation
    "regulation army equipment"

Derived forms: regulations

See also: regulate, standard

Type of: ascendance, ascendancy, ascendence, ascendency, biological process, concept, conception, construct, control, dominance, organic process, prescript, rule

Encyclopedia: Regulation


Any rule prescribing permitted or forbidden conduct, whether established by legislation or the action of an administrative agency; also see building code.

noun, adjective



1 [C, usually pl.] (abbr reg)

an official rule made by a government or some other authority:

accounting/environmental/financial/safety regulations

the rules and regulations of corporate life

Some big companies are failing to meet government regulations.

2 [U]

controlling sth by means of rules:

the voluntary regulation of the press

The authority plans to tighten regulation of company auditors.


adjective [only before noun]

that must be worn or used according to the official rules:

in regulation uniform

The imposition by a government of controls over the decisions of individuals or firms. It often refers to the control of industries in which there is monopoly or oligopoly, in order to prevent firms from exploiting their market power at the expense of the public. Regulation may be seen as an alternative to nationalization. For example, the types of industries that were formerly nationalized in the UK have usually been regulated in the USA. The main vehicle for regulation in the UK is the Competition Commission (formerly the Monopolies and Mergers Commission). Regulation is especially important in the financial services industry.

See also:


1. In general, the adjustment or control of a component, device, or system.
2. Automatic

control. See, for example, SELF-REGULATION.
rejection filter
rejection notch A sharp dip in the transmission characteristic of a crystal filter. It provides rejection-filter action at the notch frequency. Also see CRYSTAL RESONATOR and REJECTION FILTER.

Control which is exerted by the more stable organizations of society,such as established institutions and the law. They are ordinarily embodied in definite codes,usually written. n
1 : the act of regulating; also : the resulting state or condition
a : the process of redistributing material (as in an embryo) to restore a damaged or lost part independent of new tissue growth —compare REGENERATION 2
b : the mechanism by which an early embryo maintains normal development
3 : the control of the kind and rate of cellular processes by controlling the activity of individual genes


More:   Next
  1. the regulations come into force as of today.
  2. appleby was a stickler for regulations.
  3. this regulation is binding on everybody.
  4. he tried to do away with the obsolete regulations.
  5. he is very strict in observing the regulations ...

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  10. regulation fd (fair disclosure) meaning
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