reception meaning

[ ri'sepʃən ] Pronunciation:   "reception" in a sentence
Noun: reception  ri'sepshun
  1. The manner in which something is greeted
    "she did not expect the cold reception she received from her superiors"
    - response 
  2. A formal party of people; as after a wedding 
  3. Quality or fidelity of a received broadcast 
  4. The act of receiving
    - receipt 
  5. (American football) the act of catching a pass in football
    "the tight end made a great reception on the 20 yard line" 
  6. [Brit] A counter (as in a hotel) where guests are received
    - reception desk

Derived forms: receptions

See also: receive, receptionist

Type of: acquiring, broadcasting, catch, counter, getting, grab, greeting, party, salutation, snap, snatch

Encyclopedia: Reception


1 [U] (especially BrE)

the place inside the entrance of a hotel, an office building, etc. where guests or visitors go first when they arrive:

We arranged to meet in reception at 6.30.

You can leave a message with reception.

◆ (AmE, BrE) She got a job on the reception desk.


2 [C]

a formal social occasion to welcome sb or celebrate sth:

a civic/an official reception

We hosted a reception for 75 guests.

Mr Yamada spoke to reporters at a New Year business reception in Tokyo.

3 [sing.]

the type of welcome that people give to sb/sth:

The new products received a cool reception from customers.

Delegates gave him a warm reception as he stood up to speak.

4 [U]

the quality of radio, television and telephone signals that are broadcast:

My cellphone has poor reception outside the city.

bad/good/poor reception


1. All ground arrangements connected with the delivery and disposition of air or sea drops.
Includes selection and preparation of site, signals for warning and approach, facilitation of secure departure of agents, speedy collection of delivered articles, and their prompt removal to storage places having maximum security.
When a group is involved, it may be called a reception committee.
2. Arrangements to welcome and provide secure quarters or transportation for defectors, escapees, evaders, or incoming agents.
3. The process of receiving, offloading, marshalling, and transporting of personnel, equipment, and materiel from the strategic and/or intratheater deployment phase to a sea, air, or surface transportation point of debarkation to the marshalling area.
(JP 3-35)


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  1. they gave the prime minister a cool reception.
  2. he ushered me into the reception room.
  3. she led me out of the reception room.
  4. position the aerial for the best reception.
  5. reception of tv programmes is unsatisfactory here.

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