puisne meaning

Pronunciation:   "puisne" in a sentence
Noun: puisne  pyoonee
  1. One who is younger, or of inferior rank; a junior; esp., a judge of inferior rank
Adjective: puisne  pyoonee
  1. Younger or inferior in rank; junior; associate; as, a chief justice and three puisne justices of the Court of Common Pleas; the puisne barons of the Court of Exchequer

Derived forms: puisnes

Encyclopedia: Puisne

adj. [from Old French puisne,later born) Inferior; of lesser rank.


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  1. He was acting Puisne Judge between February 1898 and January 1899.
  2. His father was puisne judge of the High Court of Bombay.
  3. He is also a puisne judge of the Gauhati High Court.
  4. After 1830, Rough was appointed a puisne judge in Ceylon.
  5. His son, Kenneth Vincent Brown was a Senior Puisne Judge.

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  1. pugnacity meaning
  2. pugwash conference meaning
  3. puh meaning
  4. puh-leez meaning
  5. puir meaning
  6. puisne judge meaning
  7. puisne mortgage meaning
  8. puissance meaning
  9. puissant meaning
  10. puissantly meaning
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