plainclothesman meaning

Pronunciation:   "plainclothesman" in a sentence
Noun: plainclothesman (plainclothesmen)  'pleyn'klow(dh)zmun
  1. A detective who wears civilian clothes on duty

Derived forms: plainclothesmen

Type of: detective, investigator, police detective, tec


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  1. i'm henderson, plainclothesman
  2. Amused, the plainclothesmen agreed and became part of his gallery.
  3. They attacked RIC plainclothesmen guarding men buying cattle from boycotted farms.
  4. He was dragged away by plainclothesmen into a trolley car and beaten.
  5. Pustina's camera was broken as five plainclothesmen beat him hard.

Related Words

        plainful:     adjective
        plainclothes:    adj., n. [plural]everyday dress; stree ...
        plaining:     noun (Shakespeare)  Complai ...
        plainchant:    Noun: plainchant  pleynchaan ...
        plainish:     adjective
        plainant:     noun1. A person who complains2. A pla ...
        plainly:    Adverb: plainly  pleynleeUnm ...
        plain-woven:    Adjective: plain-woven(of cloth) made ...
        plainness:    Noun: plainness  pleynnusThe ...
        plain-spoken:     adjective1. Plain, rough, and sincere ...


  1. plain-spoken meaning
  2. plain-woven meaning
  3. plainant meaning
  4. plainchant meaning
  5. plainclothes meaning
  6. plainful meaning
  7. plaining meaning
  8. plainish meaning
  9. plainly meaning
  10. plainness meaning
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