onslaught meaning

Pronunciation:   "onslaught" in a sentence
Noun: onslaught  'ón`slot
  1. A sudden and severe onset of trouble 
  2. (military) an offensive against an enemy (using weapons)
    - attack, onset, onrush 
  3. The rapid and continuous delivery of linguistic communication (spoken or written)
    - barrage, bombardment, outpouring

Derived forms: onslaughts

Type of: language, linguistic communication, military operation, op, operation, trouble

Encyclopedia: Onslaught


More:   Next
  1. the army took the fort on the first onslaught.
  2. tom stood still, rather flustered by this onslaught.
  3. luckily for britain, angleton was able to protect us from the onslaught.
  4. "oh, shut up! "replied aileen, irritated greatly for the moment by this onslaught.
  5. the irresistible onslaught of the pla sent the enemy scattering in demoralized panic-stricken groups ...

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  1. onset age meaning
  2. onsetter meaning
  3. onsetting meaning
  4. onshore meaning
  5. onside meaning
  6. onst meaning
  7. onstage meaning
  8. onstead meaning
  9. ontarian meaning
  10. ontario meaning
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