myalgic meaning

Pronunciation:   "myalgic" in a sentence
Adjective: myalgic
  1. Of or relating to myalgia

See also: myalgia

Encyclopedia: Myalgic


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  1. The project also contained the intention to resurrect the Myalgic encephalomyelitis article.
  2. Mischa Hiller suffers from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, diagnosed in 2006 after ten years of illness.
  3. There's neuromyasthenia and myalgic encephalomyelitis to denote the nerve, muscle and brain aspects of the disorder.
  4. Dr . De Meirleir has extensive experience treating patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis ( ME ) and other chronic diseases.
  5. At the 1970 Commonwealth Games, Graham picked up a virus which later developed into myalgic encephalomyelitis, ultimately ending his athletics career.

Related Words

        myalgic encephalomyelitis:    Noun: myalgic encephalomyelitis(medici ...
        myalgia:    Noun: myalgia  mI'alj(ee)uPa ...
        myalism:     /mīˈə-li-zm/   noun &n ...
        myal:     adjective
        myall:    1 /mīˈöl/   noun   ...
        myadestes:    Noun: MyadestesSolitaires - genus Myad ...
        myambutol:    [Medicine]An antitubercular agent that ...
        myacidae:    Noun: MyacidaeSoft-shell clams - famil ...
        myanesin:    [Medicine] n : MEPHENESIN
        myaceae:    Noun: MyaceaeClams - order MyaceaeType ...


  1. myaceae meaning
  2. myacidae meaning
  3. myadestes meaning
  4. myal meaning
  5. myalgia meaning
  6. myalgic encephalomyelitis meaning
  7. myalism meaning
  8. myall meaning
  9. myambutol meaning
  10. myanesin meaning
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