mister meaning

[ 'mistə ] Pronunciation:   "mister" in a sentence
Noun: Mister
  1. A form of address for a man
    - Mr, Mr.

Type of: form of address, title, title of respect

Encyclopedia: Mister


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  1. i don't put much faith in mister thompson.
  2. you've come to the right shop, mister!
  3. "i'm mister noah claypole," said the boy, "and you're under me."
  4. mister collins shouted the good news to the missionaries: "we are safe!"
  5. mister stevens, the second violin, stamped his left foot on the floor to keep time.

Related Words

        misterm:     /mis-tûrmˈ/   transitive ve ...
        mistempered:     adjective1. Tempered or mixed badly ( ...
        mistery:     noun see mystery2
        mistemper:     /mis-temˈpər/ (obsolete)  n ...
        mistflower:    Noun: mistflowerRhizomatous plant of c ...
        mistell:     /mis-telˈ/   transitive ver ...
        mistful:     adjective  Misty
        misteach:     /mis-tēchˈ/   transitive ve ...
        misthink:     /mis-thingkˈ/   transitive ...
        mistaking:    Noun: mistaking  `mi'steykin ...


  1. mistaking meaning
  2. misteach meaning
  3. mistell meaning
  4. mistemper meaning
  5. mistempered meaning
  6. misterm meaning
  7. mistery meaning
  8. mistflower meaning
  9. mistful meaning
  10. misthink meaning
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