lame meaning

[ leim ] Pronunciation:   "lame" in a sentence
Adjective: lame (lamer,lamest)  leym
  1. Pathetically lacking in force or effectiveness
    "a lame argument"
    - feeble, wussy 
  2. Disabled in the feet or legs
    - crippled, halt [archaic], halting, gimpy [N. Amer], game
Noun: lame  leym
  1. Someone who doesn't understand what is going on
    - square
Verb: lame  leym
  1. Deprive of the use of a limb, especially a leg
    - cripple
Noun: lamé
  1. A fabric interwoven with threads of metal
    "she wore a gold lamé dress"

Derived forms: lamest, lamer, lames, lamed, laming

See also: lamely, lameness, unfit, weak

Type of: cloth, fabric, maim, material, simple, simpleton, textile

Encyclopedia: Lame

[American slang]
mod. inept; inadequate; undesirable.
• That guy's so lame, it's pitiful.
• This mark is about as laine as they come.

adj lam·er; lam·est : having a body part and esp. a limb so disabled as to impair freedom of movement : physically disabled — lame·ly adv — lame·ness n


More:   Next
  1. the soldier is lame from an old wound.
  2. when i next saw him, he was lame.
  3. the lame child lagged far behind.
  4. the lame child lagged far behind.
  5. i started the lame engine ahead.

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  1. lambrusco meaning
  2. lambskin meaning
  3. lambsquarters meaning
  4. lambswool meaning
  5. lamda meaning
  6. lame duck meaning
  7. lame sickness meaning
  8. lame-brain meaning
  9. lamebrain meaning
  10. lamebrained meaning
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