kwangchow meaning

Pronunciation:   "kwangchow" in a sentence
Noun: Kwangchow  'gwóng'jow
  1. A city on the Zhu Jiang delta in southern China; the capital of Guangdong province and a major deep-water port
    - Guangzhou, Kuangchou, Canton

Type of: city, metropolis, port, urban center [US], urban centre [Brit, Cdn]

Part of: Cathay [archaic], China, Communist China, mainland China, People's Republic of China, PRC, Red China

Encyclopedia: Kwangchow


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  1. the port of destination is hsingkang ( shanghai, whampoa, kwangchow, tsingtao)
  2. the port of destination is chittagang ( shanghai, whampoa, kwangchow, tsingtao)
  3. Nebiolo also announced that the Chinese city of Kwangchow, formerly known as Canton, will bid for the 1999 worlds.
  4. The "'1st National Congress of Kuomintang "'( ) was the first national congress of Kuomintang, held on 20 30 January 1924 at Kwangchow, Kwangtung, Republic of China.
  5. During the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, Kwangchow Wan was often used as a stopover on an escape route for civilians fleeing Hong Kong and trying to make their way to Free China; Patrick Yu, a prominent trial lawyer, recalled in his memoirs how a Japanese civilian in Hong Kong helped him to escape in this way.

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  1. kwacha meaning
  2. kwai meaning
  3. kwajalein meaning
  4. kwakiutl meaning
  5. kwan-yin meaning
  6. kwangju meaning
  7. kwangtung meaning
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  9. kwanza meaning
  10. kwanzaa meaning
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