/kil-fud-yōˈking/ (Scot) noun A fireside disputation ORIGIN: Scot kilfuddie the aperture for feeding a kiln, and yoking
Related Words
yoking: noun (dialect) As much wor ...kilham rat virus: [Medicine]A genus of the family PARVOV ...kiley: Noun: kiley kIleeUsage: Aus ...kilim: /ki-lēmˈ/ noun   ...kilerg: /kilˈûrg/ noun   ...kilimanjaro: Noun: Kilimanjaro 'kilimûn' ...kilderkin: Noun: kilderkin kildurkinAn ...kiliwa: Noun: KiliwaThe Yuman language spoken ...kildeer: Noun: kildeerAmerican plover of inland ...kiliwi: Noun: KiliwiA member of a North Americ ...kild: /kild/ (Spenser) variant of killed