groom: Verb: groom groomEducate fo ...groom-to-be: Noun: groom-to-be (grooms-to-be)A man ...herd: Noun: herd hurdA group of c ...groom'er: nounstud groom: noun A groom at a stud, es ...herd grass: or herd's grass /hûrd(z) gräs/ (US)&n ...herd immunity: [Medicine]The non-susceptibility to in ...herd instinct: noun The instinct that urg ...herd together: herd together sb/sth • herd sb/sth tog ...herd up: herd up sb/sth • herd sb/sth up usual ...herd's grass: Noun: herd's grassGrass with long cyli ...herd-book: noun A pedigree book of ca noun A herd of land animal ...neat-herd: nounnowt-herd: noun