heapstead meaning

  "heapstead" in a sentence
  The buildings and works around a mine-shaft


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  1. Outdoors, next to the Heapstead, is a sinking engine, mounted on red bricks.
  2. The heapstead and winding engine house were constructed entirely of brick to a German design and is unique in British coal mining.
  3. The downcast ( Busty ) shaft suffered damage all the way to the surface, and then the casing between the pit top and the heapstead } } was blown down.
  4. Caphouse Colliery was again developed in 1876 when the steam winding engine house, boiler yard, chimney, stone heapstead and ventilation shaft were completed for Emma Lister Kay, the sole proprietor.
  5. The winding engine was the source of power for hauling miners, equipment and coal up and down the shaft in a cage, the top of the shaft being in the adjacent heapstead, which encloses the frame holding the wheel around which the hoist cable travels.

Related Words

        heapy:     adjective  Full of heaps
        heaps:    Noun: heaps  heepsA large nu ...
        hear:    Verb: hear (heard)  hir [N. ...
        heaping:     adjective (N American; of a spoonful, ...
        hear a peep out of so:    [American slang]Fig. to get some sort ...
        heaped:    adj.1 (Br.), (Am.)heaping a heaped/hea ...
        hear a peep out of someone:    [American idiom]to get some sort of a ...
        heap upon:    heap upon ! Heap upon is more formal ...
        hear a pin drop:    [American slang]v. phr. Absolute silen ...
        heap up:    Verb: heap upArrange into piles or sta ...


  1. heap up meaning
  2. heap upon meaning
  3. heaped meaning
  4. heaping meaning
  5. heaps meaning
  6. heapy meaning
  7. hear meaning
  8. hear a peep out of so meaning
  9. hear a peep out of someone meaning
  10. hear a pin drop meaning
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