happening meaning

[ 'hæpəniŋ ] Pronunciation:   "happening" in a sentence
Noun: happening  hapuning
  1. An event that happens
    - occurrence, occurrent, natural event
Verb: happen  hapun
  1. Come to pass
    "What is happening?"
    - hap, go on, pass off, occur, pass, fall out, come about, take place 
  2. Happen, occur, or be the case in the course of events or by chance
    "It happens that today is my birthday"
    - befall, bechance [archaic] 
  3. Chance to be or do something, without intention or causation
    "I happen to have just what you need!" 
  4. Come into being; become reality
    - materialize, materialise [Brit] 
  5. Come upon, as if by accident; meet with
    "I happened upon the most wonderful bakery not very far from here"
    - find, chance, bump, encounter

Derived forms: happenings

Type of: event

Encyclopedia: Happening

[American slang]
mod. fashionable; trendy; positive. (Collegiate.)
• Oh, Tiffany, your skirt is really happening.
• Wow, that's happening!


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  1. things are happening so fast around here.
  2. he realized at once what was happening.
  3. there is no likelihood of that happening.
  4. accidents are happening with increasing frequency.
  5. he was hardly aware that it was happening.

Related Words


  1. happen on meaning
  2. happen on-upon meaning
  3. happen to meaning
  4. happen to so or sth meaning
  5. happen upon meaning
  6. happenstance meaning
  7. happily meaning
  8. happiness meaning
  9. happinesses meaning
  10. happy meaning
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