half pound: Noun: half pound8 ounces avoirdupoisDe ...pound: Noun: pound pawnd16 ounces ...pound on: [Computer](Or "pound on"). To stress-t ...pound for pound: [American slang][Usually of value, qua ...by half: By a long wayhalf: Noun: half (halves) hãfOne ...in half: [American slang]adv. phr. 1. Into two ...not half: Adverb: not halfUsage: Brit(slang) gre ...half-and-half: Adjective: half-and-half 'h ...a pound of flesh: [American slang]Fig. a payment or puni ...apothecaries' pound: Noun: apothecaries' poundAn apothecary ...avoirdupois pound: [Mechanics]See pound; [Medicine]n : PO ...british pound: Noun: British poundThe basic unit of m ...dog pound: Noun: dog pound dóg pawndA ...egyptian pound: Noun: Egyptian poundThe basic unit of ...