gamb meaning

Pronunciation:   "gamb" in a sentence
/gamb/ (heraldry)
  A beast's whole foreleg
  ORIGIN: LL gamba a leg


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  1. Mrs . Gold said, " he's got a gamb-ling problem.
  2. -- Gujarat Ambuja Cements Ltd ( GAMB IN ) was rated " buy " in new coverage by analyst Ajay Malpini at Caspian Securities.
  3. -- Gujarat Ambuja Cements Ltd ( GAMB IN ) was downgraded to " market perform " from " market outperform " by analyst Anand Aithal at Goldman, Sachs & AMP; Co.
  4. MASS-GaMB \ E ( Undated ) _ Mitt Romney's commerce and labor chief tells a panel of House and Senate members that the governor favors granting a handful of licenses to operate slot machines, all of which would expire after a fixed number of years.
  5. We may form an idea of the esteem that the king had for him on account of his gallantry from the following anecdote; when Henry saw Sir Richard's prowess he exclaimed, " Formerly thou wast my Dick, but hereafter thou shalt be my diamond "; and dropped a diamond ring from his finger, which Sir Richard taking up, he presented it to him, bidding him afterwards bear such a one in the fore gamb of the demy lion in his crest.

Related Words

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        gambado:    1 /gam-bāˈdō/   noun ( gambā ...
        gamash:     /gə-mashˈ/ (archaic and dialect)  ...
        gambelia:    Noun: GambeliaLeopard lizards - genus ...
        gamal abdel nasser:    Noun: Gamal Abdel NasserEgyptian state ...
        gambeson:     /gamˈbi-sən/ (historical)   ...
        gama grass:     /gäˈmə gräs/   noun &n ...
        gambet:     /gamˈbit/ or gambetta /gam-betˈə/ (ra ...
        gam:    Noun: gam  gamA herd of whal ...


  1. gam meaning
  2. gama grass meaning
  3. gamal abdel nasser meaning
  4. gamash meaning
  5. gamay meaning
  6. gamba meaning
  7. gambado meaning
  8. gambelia meaning
  9. gambeson meaning
  10. gambet meaning
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