flak meaning

Pronunciation:   "flak" in a sentence
Noun: flak  flak
  1. A slick spokesperson who can turn any criticism to the advantage of their employer
    - flak catcher, flack catcher, flack 
  2. Intense adverse criticism
    "don't give me any flak"
    - fire, attack, flack, blast 
  3. Artillery designed to shoot upward at airplanes
    - antiaircraft, antiaircraft gun, flack, pom-pom, ack-ack, ack-ack gun

Derived forms: flaks

Type of: criticism, gun, interpreter, representative, spokesperson, unfavorable judgment [US], unfavourable judgment [Brit, Cdn], voice

Encyclopedia: Flak

[American slang]
1. n. publicity; hype.
• Who is going to believe this flack about being first-rate?
• It's all flak and no substance.


More:   Next
  1. heavy flak was everywhere! he had been lulled, lured and trapped.
  2. you should have somebody beside you to take some of the flak
  3. he took a lot of flak for his stand against abortion
  4. wehrmacht flak 88 health increased from 200 to 325
  5. the index will run into some flak

Related Words

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        flake:    Verb: flake  fleykForm into ...
        flail around:    flail around/about to wave your arms a ...
        flake away:    [American slang][for bits of something ...
        flail:    Noun: flail  fleylAn impleme ...
        flake board:    [Architecture]Same as particleboard.
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  3. flail around meaning
  4. flail chest meaning
  5. flair meaning
  6. flak catcher meaning
  7. flak jacket meaning
  8. flake meaning
  9. flake away meaning
  10. flake board meaning
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