fervor meaning

Pronunciation:   "fervor" in a sentence
Noun: fervor  furvur
Usage: US (=fervour)
  1. Feelings of great warmth and intensity
    - ardor [US], ardour [Brit, Cdn], fervour [Brit, Cdn], fervency, fire, fervidness 
  2. The state of being emotionally aroused and worked up
    - excitement, excitation, inflammation, fervour [Brit, Cdn]

Derived forms: fervors

See also: exciting, unexciting

Type of: emotional arousal, passion, passionateness

Encyclopedia: Fervor


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  1. he cannot stand the fervors of those deserts.
  2. our capacity for religious fervor and for unthinking energetic obedience is unfortunately bottomless.
  3. the direct negotiation israel had demanded with such fervor so many years would undoubtedly have to be fueled by israeli concessions.
  4. lieutenant norrington, i appreciate your fervor
  5. he groaned as the need caught him up in its fervor

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  2. fervidity meaning
  3. fervidly meaning
  4. fervidness meaning
  5. fervidor meaning
  6. fervorous meaning
  7. fervour meaning
  8. fescennine meaning
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  10. fescue meaning
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