exoterically meaning

Pronunciation:   "exoterically" in a sentence


  1. Brahmanas and Yogis ( deeply meditative saints ) who are more progressively theolatrous, whether exoterically or esoterically, may be called Paramatma-vadis.
  2. The phrase exoterically means " may Allah sanctify his secret " or esoterically " may his message spread ", or " whose inner thought Allah made holy ", or " whose heart Allah has made pure ".
  3. Whereas Locke had seen the cosmos in terms of inter-locking purposes that could be grasped by disengaged reason, the expressivism that followed Rousseau saw a natural, yet not exoterically available, natural source of life that could be shaped and given a real form through human expression.
  4. Exoterically ( mundanely ) considered, a gathering place in the modern Latter Day Saint organizational context refers to wards ( basic congregational units ), stakes ( groups of several wards ), and homes or communities where believers are striving to live what is referred to as " the fulness of the gospel " in righteousness.

Related Words

        exotericism:     /-sizm/ noun
        exoterical:     adjective
        exotherm:    Noun: exothermA compound that gives of ...
        exoteric:    Adjective: exoteric  `eksu't ...
        exothermal:    Adjective: exothermal(of a chemical re ...
        exostosis:    Noun: exostosis (exostoses)   ...
        exothermally:     or exotherˈmically adverb
        exostoses:    [Medicine]Benign hypertrophy that proj ...
        exothermic:    Adjective: exothermic  `ekso ...
        exostes:    [Architecture]A loggia having a balcon ...


  1. exostes meaning
  2. exostoses meaning
  3. exostosis meaning
  4. exoteric meaning
  5. exoterical meaning
  6. exotericism meaning
  7. exotherm meaning
  8. exothermal meaning
  9. exothermally meaning
  10. exothermic meaning
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