exoterical meaning


Related Words

        exoterically:     adverb
        exoteric:    Adjective: exoteric  `eksu't ...
        exotericism:     /-sizm/ noun
        exostosis:    Noun: exostosis (exostoses)   ...
        exotherm:    Noun: exothermA compound that gives of ...
        exostoses:    [Medicine]Benign hypertrophy that proj ...
        exothermal:    Adjective: exothermal(of a chemical re ...
        exostes:    [Architecture]A loggia having a balcon ...
        exothermally:     or exotherˈmically adverb
        exostectomy:    [Medicine] n pl -mies : excision of an ...


  1. exostectomy meaning
  2. exostes meaning
  3. exostoses meaning
  4. exostosis meaning
  5. exoteric meaning
  6. exoterically meaning
  7. exotericism meaning
  8. exotherm meaning
  9. exothermal meaning
  10. exothermally meaning
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