del v meaning
symbol for deluge valve.
- Away from Sportscars, Enrico raced in just one Formula Two race, the 1951 Gran Premio del V Centenario Colombiano, but retired his Ferrari 166.
- He is a member of the Chilean Academy of Language, and sat on the organizing committee for the Comit�s del V Congreso Internacional de la Lengua Espa�ola ( CILE ).
- A military museum organised by the Army at its local " Comando del V Cuerpo de Ej�rcito " ( V Army Corps Command ) at which a miniaturized recreation of the original Fortress is on display, made by C�sar Puliafito, as well as a quite interesting collection of ancient maps, documents and pieces alongside one of the most important-and rather unknown-libraries of history in the region : this one and the one of the Salesians, at Inspector�a San Francisco Javier ( Head of the Salesians of Don Bosco for the whole Patagonia ) have fantastic collections with many priceless documents related to the conquest and " civilization " of Patagonia, almost completely carried out by the Army and the Salesians.