del v meaning


symbol for deluge valve.


  1. Away from Sportscars, Enrico raced in just one Formula Two race, the 1951 Gran Premio del V Centenario Colombiano, but retired his Ferrari 166.
  2. He is a member of the Chilean Academy of Language, and sat on the organizing committee for the Comit�s del V Congreso Internacional de la Lengua Espa�ola ( CILE ).
  3. A military museum organised by the Army at its local " Comando del V Cuerpo de Ej�rcito " ( V Army Corps Command ) at which a miniaturized recreation of the original Fortress is on display, made by C�sar Puliafito, as well as a quite interesting collection of ancient maps, documents and pieces alongside one of the most important-and rather unknown-libraries of history in the region : this one and the one of the Salesians, at Inspector�a San Francisco Javier ( Head of the Salesians of Don Bosco for the whole Patagonia ) have fantastic collections with many priceless documents related to the conquest and " civilization " of Patagonia, almost completely carried out by the Army and the Salesians.

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        :    symbol  (Roman numeral) 5000
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  1. del meaning
  2. del credere meaning
  3. del credere agent meaning
  4. del key meaning
  5. del rio meaning
  6. del. meaning
  7. delacroix meaning
  8. delaine meaning
  9. delairea meaning
  10. delairea odorata meaning
PC Version