cripple: Verb: cripple kripulDeprive ...rafter: Noun: rafter rãftu(r)One of ...cripple stud: [Architecture]A cripple, 1.cripple wall: [Architecture]A stud wall less than a ...cripple window (brit.): [Architecture]A dormer window.angle rafter: [Architecture]A hip rafter.; [Building ...auxiliary rafter: [Architecture]Above a principal rafter ...barge rafter: [Architecture]Same as barge couple, 2.binding rafter: [Architecture]A longitudinal timber wh ...centering rafter: [Architecture]The common rafter, direc ...common rafter: [Architecture]In wood-frame constructi ...compass rafter: [Architecture]A rafter which is curved ...compound rafter: [Architecture]One of a pair of two raf ...crook rafter: [Architecture]A knee rafter: [Architecture]In a hip roof, the centr ...