corner framing meaning
In a timber structure, a corner post that provides for nailing on the exterior or interior; often comprised of two or more studs joined together.
More: Next- The Sixteen Mile House marked Millbrae along the railroad route, located where Millbrae's first Corner Frame Shop stands today.
- The design concept included a sloping base and large corner frames to provide a distinctive image not only for the company, but also as an identifying landmark for the city of Jacksonville.
- A cornice sets off the second stage, with scrolled pilasters on the corners framing a paneled section topped by a circular window with radiating muntins set in a molded surround with a keystone.
- The pulpit, also a present from the Ulfeldts, is borne by the apostle Peter and is from the year 1649 . Large representations of the four evangelists fill the larger frames while the corner frames house their symbols.
- Harlan, wounded by critical reaction to some of his early, cut-rate buildings _ one had stolid brown concrete piers at the corners framing a murky sea of green glass _ began hiring nationally recognized architects who brought respect and higher rents.