cord grass meaning

  "cord grass" in a sentence
  A grass of the genus Spartina which is found in muddy salt-marshes and is used for making ropes


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  1. I admit that watching horses eat cord grass is not like watching grizzlies feed on salmon in Alaska.
  2. About three years ago, the native bulrush, cord grass and pickleweed and gum plants started colonizing the new marsh.
  3. Floating algae, eelgrass, cord grass, pickleweed and other plants produce food and cover for hundreds of other larger species.
  4. They appeared to have found their quarry : several layers of white sediment buried in the ancient muck under the thatch of cord grass.
  5. The preserve's floodplains connect to the Wabash River and support river bulrush, sedges, prairie cord grass, burr reed and cattails.

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