cord factor meaning

  "cord factor" in a sentence
Toxic glycolipids composed of trehalose dimycolate derivatives. They are produced by MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS and other species of MYCOBACTERIUM. They induce cellular dysfunction in animals.


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  1. Cord factor also binds and activates the related C-type lectin MCL.
  2. Furthermore, the ester linkages in cord factor are important for its toxic effects.
  3. Upon activation by cord factor, Mincle binds the Fc receptor FcR� and Syk.
  4. Numerous responses that vary in effect result from cord factor's presence in host cells.
  5. After exposure to cord factor for 2 hours, 125 genes in the mouse genome are upregulated.

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  2. cord meaning
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  6. cord factors meaning
  7. cord foot meaning
  8. cord grass meaning
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