collateral meaning
[ kə'lætərəl ] Pronunciation: "collateral" in a sentence
Adjective: collateral ku'laturul
- Descended from a common ancestor but through different lines
"cousins are collateral relatives"
- indirect - Serving to support or corroborate
"collateral evidence"
- confirmative, confirming, confirmatory, corroborative, corroboratory, substantiating, substantiative, validating, validatory, verificatory, verifying - Accompany, concomitant
"collateral target damage from a bombing run" - Situated or running side by side
"collateral ridges of mountains"
- A security pledged for the repayment of a loan
Derived forms: collaterals
See also: parallel, related, secondary, supportive
Type of: security interest
Antonym: lineal
Encyclopedia: Collateral
noun, adjective
■ noun [U]
1 (Finance )
property or sth valuable that you promise to give sb if you cannot pay back money that you borrow:
The company cannot sell its assets as they act as collateral for its loans.
2 (Marketing ) (AmE) = COLLATERAL MATERIAL
A form of security, especially an impersonal form of security, such as life-assurance policies or shares, used to secure a bank loan. In some senses such impersonal securities are referred to as a secondary security, rather than a primary security, such as a guarantee.
Asset than can be repossessed if a borrower defaults.
1.adj. Describing the relationship between people who share a common ancestor but are descended from him through different lines of descent. See also CONSANGUINITY.
2. adj. Ancillary; subordinate but connected to the main subject, etc.
3. n. Security that is additional to the main security for a debt (or an advantage to the mortgagee that is additional to the payment of interest). For example, a lender may require as collateral the assignment of an insurance policy in addition to the principal security of a mortgage on the borrower's home.
More: Next- it will have one other collateral advantage.
- all organs have some degree of collateral circulation.
- you're betting i'll put up my meadow as collateral.
- the government took all of chrysler's assets as collateral.
- those lords and ladies scattered around in the collateral branches of the family tree.