buffoonery meaning

Pronunciation:   "buffoonery" in a sentence
Noun: buffoonery  bu'foonuree
  1. Acting like a clown or buffoon
    - clowning, japery, frivolity, harlequinade, prank

Derived forms: buffooneries

Type of: craziness, folly, foolery, indulgence, lunacy, tomfoolery

Encyclopedia: Buffoonery


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  1. jimmy durante's buffoonery was hilarious.
  2. it can take innumerable forms, from buffoonery to the pursuit of posthumous fame
  3. he insists over and over that his task is not buffoonery, but teaching ( or even preaching)
  4. The GOP performance was marred by low blows and high buffoonery.
  5. Neither have we seen the last of Aldridge's buffoonery.

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  4. buffo meaning
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